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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

9th grade

Hi there!
How is everything going on?

  First term

Week No. 1,2 ( january 25th-february 5th )

Orientation weeks: 

Classroom rules


Week No. 3,4 ( february 8th-19th )

You can do it: Video


During this week we are going to work about introductions.
Let´s see these videos: 

Let´s practice this important vocabulary:

Week No. 5,6 (february 22d-march 5th )

What is your favourite animal?

Let´se enjoy this video

1. Notebook activity: Make a list of 10 animals you see in the video and write down  two or three characteristics of each one. Next write one sentence


Tiger: heavy, fast, strong.

The tiger is heavy, fast and strong.

2.  Complete the chart

(Taken from greenwichlab)

3. Read and complete texts

(Taken from greenwichlab)


Let´s watch the video

Week No. 7,8 (march 8th-march 19th )

                             Comparatives and superlatives

Notebook activity:
  • Write three comparative sentences about your pet or your favorite animal.
  • Write three superlative sentences about your pet or your favorite animal.

Exercises: Let´s practice the topic

Realicen los siguientes ejercicios haciendo click sobre cada link. No es necesario enviar evidencias , ni trabajos al correo. Escriban algunos ejercicios en su cuaderno de inglés con la fecha y firma de sus padres. Esto es una práctica para luego presentar una evaluación virtual  de estos temas. 

1.  Comparatives and superlatives

2.  Superlatives

3.  Comparatives and superlatives

4.  Games and videos:
Game 1
Game 2

Week No. 9 (march 24th )

                       Week No. 14-15 

Song: Firework by Katy Perry

During this week, we are going to review and practice:


  • Now let´s see this video: Wh words video
  • Notebook activity: Now write 10 wh questions to ask your classmates next class.
Example: Nicolas, What do you prefer to eat for lunch?


     Simple present tense

    • Now let´s see this video:Simple present tense video
    • Notebook activity: Write 10 sentences in your notebooks about real facts of you or your family by using simple present tense.
    Example: My father usually goes to work at seven.

      Topic 3.Adjectives:


        1. I live in a small appartment.

                                      Week No. 16-17

        Topic: Interview by using personal information and daily activities

          Daily routine vocabulary: Let´s learn this important vocabulary

          Daily routine video

          Let´s see a video to practice this vocabulary  Daily routine video

          Let´s have fun: Game

          Adverbs of frequency. Let´s see this vocabulary :

          Linking words:

          Notebook activity:
          Write a short paragraph about your daily routine. Remember to use the vocabulary you find in the charts.

          Somebody to love by Queen

          Activity: Write down in your notebook all the verbs you find in the song.

                                 Week No. 18-19

          VocabularySimple past form of verb to be

          Ancient Civilizations

          Exercise 1select the correct word
          Exercise 2:select the correct option

          Notebook activity: Write a short paragraph or sentences about you and your family by using simple past form of verb to be.
          Example: When I was a child, I was very outgoing, my sister was very nice with me.

          You can practice and complete some exercises  by using this website:

          God bless you.
          Now, let´s enjoy this video

                               Week No. 20-21

          During this week we are going to continue working on past tense of verb to be.

          Let´s enjoy this song: Paradise

          Reading activity

          1. Read Cinderella fairy-tale ( Write down in your notebook the vocabulary that you don´t understand and look for the meaning.
          2. Practice the pronunciation of the text several times. We will have a reading exam next class.
          3. Now complete next story. Be very creative and imagine a nice final for the story.

                                    Week No. 22

          This week we will practice simple past tense

          Video:   Simple past

          Let´s practice by using this video: What did you do last week?

          1. Organize the verbs in two charts: regular and irregular and find out their meanings
          2. Write 5 wh questions to your friends about the activities they have done in this quarantine.
          God bless you

                                Week No. 23-24

          This week we will have our written mid-term exam ( Evaluación acumulativa escrita segundo periodo). You will  present it in the virtual class.
          Remember to review all the topics we have studied during the term in this blog.

                              Week No.  25, 26

          During this week we will review all the topics we have studied during this term and we willhave have our oral exam. Remember to practice all the topics we have studied, so you can participate in the conversation.

                                October 4th to 23th

          Here you can find the activities and topics we will be working on during these weeks:

          • When I was a kid, I could climb trees. It was really exciting.
          • My birthday party was a little boring because my friends couldn´t visit me.

          Colors and meaning

                             October 25th to november 6th


          Read and practice


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