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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

11th grade

Hello guys! I hope you are fine.
Remember: I am very proud of you

January 25th to february 5th

Song: Count on me by Bruno Mars

February 8th to february 19th

Let´s enjoy this song


Tokyo Olympics (Taken  from colombiaaprende website)


Will they or won't they? There has been much speculation recently about whether or not the Tokyo Olympics would take place in July. On Wednesday, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Thomas Bach vowed that the event would go ahead. He said: "Our task is to organize the Olympic Games and not to cancel them." He added that the IOC is working "day and night" to host a safe event.IOC spokesperson Dick Pound said he was "confident" the Games would go ahead, saying: "I think unless some drastic changes occur, this is a manageable proposition and I hope that we're able to pull it off."


He added: "There are no certainties in life and what might happen with the virus."

The Games are due to open on the 23rd of July. It is a logistical nightmare for authorities, who have to secure the safety of 11,000 athletes, the world's media and spectators. More than 25,000 journalists attended the Rio de Janeiro Games in 2016. Tokyo is currently under a state of emergency amid a third wave of infections. Officials are hopeful warmer weather and a vaccine rollout will see safer conditions Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga is adamant that the Games will take place. However, an anti-Olympics group in Tokyo said: "The government is obsessed with hosting the Olympics. It's becoming clear during this coronavirus disaster that the Olympics would sacrifice people's lives."


Taken from colombiaprende website

February 22nd to march5th ( week 5-6)

Countable and un-countable nouns

 Let´s review this topic by watching next videos:   

Countable and un-countable vocabulary




Irregula plurals

More irregular plurals

There is- there are ( Hay)

Notebook activity:  Write down a descriptive text talking about the elements or people you can see in your house. 
Remember to use vocabulary, expressions and structures connected with countable and un-countable nouns.


In my house, there are many people, my dad, my mom, my siblings and my grandparents. Our house is small but…….

 ( Write this text in your google drive folder)

March 8th to march  19th ( week7-8)

Activity 1

Let´s practice  countable and uncountable nouns

Quatifiers Exercises

 Activity 2

Let´s practice there is-there are; there was-there were exercises

Auxiliaries: Do-Does

Let¨s practice with this video

More auxiliary vebs

Let´s check this chart

Modal verbs

Practice with this video


Google drive folder activity:

Team work:

With one of your partners you are going to write an interview by using all the topics we have studied during the classes. ( countable, uncountable, singular, plural, there is, there are, there was, there were, wh questions, auxiliaries, modal verbs)
 Take into account:
  • One interview per group
  • Write you work in Google drive English folder
  • Deadline: Monday 15th 6:00am

Nota aclaratoria: La idea de la realización de esta entrevista es aplicar toda la temática que hemos repasado durante este año. Recuerden que el trabajo es en parejas y cada uno debe subir el archivo al cuaderno virtual de inglés en la carpeta de Google drive.
Les recuerdo que ese cuaderno debe tener portada de presentación, las frases célebres que hemos compartido y algunas actividades que les solicito (semana y fecha). No es necesario subir todos los ejercicios que hagamos en clase.

Week 14-15

1.  ICFES sample 

2. Read and listen these short stories and write new vocabulary on your English notebook.
Nota: Realicen los ejercicios en el cuaderno de inglés. No es necesario enviar evidencias, es trabajo autónomo. Más adelante les envío una evaluación tipo ICFES.

3.  Phrasal verbs: 
  • Now let´s see this video: Phrasal verbs video
  • Notebook activity: Please copy in your notebook all the phrasal verbs you find in the video and practice with them.

    Topic 2:  Phrasal verbs in this quarantine. Let´s see another video.More phrasal verbs

    • Notebook activity: Select 10 verbs of the second video and write down some wh questions with them in your notebook.

    Example: What food have you ordered in during this quarantine?

      Notebook activity: Did you find phrasal verbs in the song? Write them in your english notebook.

      • Phrasal verbs in daily routine: Video

                               Week 16-17

        During this week, we are going to practice these topics:

        • Have to
        • don´t have to- do not have to
        • has to
        • doesn´t have to- does not have to
        • must
        • mustn´t - must not

        • Pronouns

        Activity: Answer this exercise  and then, write the correct sentences in your notebooks. Pronouns exercises
        Pronouns video
        • Prepositions:

        ActivityAnswer this exercise  and then, write the correct sentences in your notebooks. Prepositions exercises

        During this week we are going to reinforce the use of pronouns and prepositions. Let´s chek and practice some exercises.

        Prepositions exercises

        ICFES workshop

        Read and understand next chart

        Activity: Write two similar exercises according to the example:

        Where can you read this sign?

        1. Fog area:

        A. At school       B. At the museum   C. On a road

        This week, you are going to present an evaluation about all the topics we have worked during this term.

        You can practice and complete some exercises  by using this website:

        If you have questions, please,write them on your notebook and we will solve them in class.

        God bless you.
        Now, let´s enjoy this video


        During this week we will see vocabulary and expressions related to bullying.

        Phrasal verbs we use when we talk about bullying:

        Taken from greenwichlab

        Notebook activity:

        • Write the verbs in the chart and their definitions
        • Use should or shouldn´t  and the vocabulary above to write some real situations according to the bullying ( at least 10. ). Example: If someone calls me names, I should talk to my parents or teachers.
        • Answer these questions:
        1. Have you ever been bullied? How did you handle it?
        2. Have you ever been a bully?
        Let´s listen  a song:  Hopeful

        Enjoy this song: When I was your man


        • Answer this questions according to your pernonality

        • Read and complete the text by using but and however
        • Let´s practice this reading to get better pronunciation

        Texts taken from : greenwichlab


        1. Complete the text by using the word bank:

        3. What advices would you do in this situation? Write them in your English notebook.

        4. Take a look at this texting code and follow the instruction below

        This week we will have our written mid-term exam ( Evaluación acumulativa escrita segundo periodo). You will  present it in the virtual class.

        Remember to review all the topics we have studied during the term in this blog.


        During this week we will have our oral exam. Remember to practice all the topics we have studied, so you can participate in the conversation.


        Activities and topics:

        Natural disasters


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