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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Hello everybody.

By Isabella Pabón 6.3

These are your teachers Bertha and Yessica and we want you to know that we are very proud of you and as we tell you in class everyday: You can do whatever you want to do. You are very smart and your life project depends on you. So, we invite you to work and learn by yourselves. There are many exciting and important things you can learn when you have dreams and discipline.
Participate actively in this blog by doing all the activities teachers propose here.


Sixth grade

Hello my dear students: Here you will find activities , videos, recommendations and different workshops for our English class

         First term

Week No. 1,2 ( january 25th-february 5th )

Orientation weeks: 

Classroom rules


Week No. 3,4 ( february 8th-19th )

Personal introduction:



Home activity: watch this video and copy greetings and expressions in your notebook.


Week 5,6 (february22d to march 5th)  

Classroom vocabulary and expressions

Personal questions video

Practice vocabulary:




School supplies

Week 7,8 : march 8th to march 19th  

Let´s parctice personal questions:

Topic: There  is-there are  ( Hay)

Let´s see these  videos to practice the topic


Notebook activity: 
Write in your English notebook  10 sentences using there is and there and the objects , people or animals you can see in the place where you live. (Escriba en su cuaderno de inglés  10 oraciones empleando there is y there are  de los objetos, personas o animales que hay en el lugar donde vive)


  • There are two dogs in my house ( apartment)
  • There is one television set in my house

Week 9,10 : march 23d to april 9th  

Realicen los siguientes ejercicios haciendo click sobre cada link. No es necesario enviar evidencias , ni trabajos al correo. Escriban algunos ejercicios en su cuaderno de inglés con la fecha y firma de sus padres. 


1.  a- an exercises:                           

2.    There is- there are exercises

3.  Game

4.  Song 

5. Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives chart

5. Verb to be ( Ser o estar):  affirmative, negative,interrogative. 

  • Now let´s see this video: verb to be video
  • Notebook activity: Now write in your notebooks 5 affirmative sentences, 5 negative sentences and 5 interrogative sentences about you and your family .
Example: My mother is very happy with me ( Mi mamá está muy feliz conmigo)

Week 13 : april 19th   

Notebook activity:

Select 5 famous people in Colombia or in the world and write some sentences about them by using adjectives .Check the chart. (Selecciona cinco personajes famosos en Colombia o en el mundo y escribe algunas oraciones acerca de ellos empleando adjetivos.


This is James Rodríguez. He is a Colombian soccer player. He is brave, athletic and optimistic.

Activity: Practice numbers . Visit these websites

Week 16-18

  • Now let´s see this video:Demonstrative video
  • Notebook activity: Write 10 sentences in your notebooks by using demonstratives.
Example: This is my house; these are my brothers.

    1. I can smell with my nose.

    Reading activity

    Read this text and answer the questions :

    Hello, my name is Carolina Perez, I am 12 years old and I am Colombian. My hometown is Barranquilla but I live in Bucaramanga. I live with my mother, my two siblings and a cousin. My birthday is on December 18th.  I am very intelligent, optimist, sociable and brave. I have many friends and I have two pets; a cat and a dog. I am a student. I study at Jorge Ardila Duarte school. It is a fine arts school. I love my school. I like to listen to the music and dance. My favorite color is red and my favorite food is Colombian and Mexican food, my favorite book is "The Little Prince", my favorite movie is "Titanic " and my favorite music is pop and rock. I get up at 5:00 a.m. every day, I make my bed, I exercise a little, I have breakfast and get ready to have my virtual lessons. Thank you.

    1.  How old is Carolina?
    2.  Where was Carolina born?
    3.  Where does Carolina live?
    4.  When was she born?
    5.  Who does Carolina live with?
    6.  What is Carolina like?
    7.  Does Carolina have pets?
    8.  What does she do?
    9.  What does Carolina like to do?
    10.  What time does Carolina get up?

    Week 19-20

     Let´s talk about our physical appearance.

                             What do you look like?

    Physical appearance adjectives:

    Notebook activity: Write a short paragraph describing yourself by using some of the adjectives of the chart.

    Week 21-22

    What are you like?

    Let´s continue practicing how to describe people:


    • What are you like?
    • What is he(she) like?

    Enjoy this video :Describing people

    Activity: Describe these famous people ( En tu cuaderno de inglés, escribe un pequeño párafo descriptivo de estos personajes famosos en Colombia.

        This week, you are going to present an evaluation about all the topics we have worked during this term.

        You can practice and complete some exercises  by using this website:

        If you have questions, please,write them on your notebook and we will solve them in class.
        God bless you.
        Now, let´s enjoy this video

        Week 23-24

        My family

        During this week we are going to practice and use the family vocabulary

        Let´s enjoy this video :Family song

        Practice this vocabulary: My family

        Family members and their routine Video

        Notebook activity: 
        1. Make a list of your family members with their names and if you want you can paste a family photograph.
        2. Write a short physical and personality description of two members of your family. Remember to use the vocabulary we have studied.
        3. Paint a family tree. Example

        • Remember to practice this conversation with a friend:

        Let´s see these videos : 
        1. Possessive adjectives

        1. Another video

        Notebook activity: Complete this exercise ( write the sentences in your notebook)

        Notebook activity:

        More exercises: Possessive adjectives

        During this week we will have our oral exam. Practice these questions:

        Here you can find the activities and topics we will be working during these weeks.

        Types of family: Look at the vocabulary and complete the texts. ( Mira el vocabulario y completa los textos)

        Read and practice

        What time is it?

        Let´s enjoy this song: 

        Daily routine